Performances & Events
The world needs music and the arts! Are you playing your part?
Our performances are held on our campus at the FriscoPAC, our own performance venue right here in Frisco.
GROUP STUDENT PERFORMANCE WEEK: Six times during the year we hold performance show day in the Labs/Group Music Classes, Art, & Musical Theatre Classes (see Calendar of Events for specific dates). Parents attend the last 30 minutes of class during their regularly scheduled class time for student solo and group ensemble performances, art reveal, and more. Plus, the teacher will discuss class curriculum and give details of what the students have been working on, as well and answer any questions that parents may have about home assignments, moving to private lessons, the Star Power Rock Band Series program, performances, etc. These performance days are very popular and not to be missed. Parents can see the progress of each student and the class as a whole by attending the performances during the year.
You will be amazed at the amount of material and learning the group covers, and the level of talent demonstrated by the students.
COFFEE HOUSE MUSIC SHOW for Private Music Students: Students perform a memorized solo for family and friends in this relaxed venue (private lesson students). NO EXTRA FEE IS CHARGED for this event. All musical styles are represented, and students may perform with cd or teacher accompaniment.
Four Coffee House Music Shows are featured each school year. Students/parents complete a Coffee House Registration Form ONLINE before the deadline. EVENT REGISTRATION REQUIRED
This is our most popular event series, since students and families are drawn to the easy-going, comfortable and relaxed atmosphere that lends itself to a friendly environment for musical sharing.
"Thank you so much (for hosting the show)! That was amazing! Wish we would have started piano lessons earlier." Parent
"My kids loved it and they are excited for the next one." Parent
"To see my child up there on stage with the lights and everything was great. She is so brave - I could never do that! The way the School sets up the shows is for each student to be successful - it works!" Parent
"I am very glad to see my students perform on stage. They are all hard working and doing great on stage. The parents enjoyed it too. They can't wait to see the next Coffee House Show." Faculty
"I practice with my students on the introduction of their piece. I tell them to walk past the microphone, face the audience then pick it up. They say 3 things - their full name, name of the song, name of the artist. I tell them to pause between each name and look at different spots in the audience. I want them to engage with the audience and not turn their backs on them. I bring them on stage to practice a few weeks before the show." Faculty
"The parents that I spoke with enjoyed the experience. Students had fun and felt that the audiences gave great support. It was a favorable experience for the performers." Faculty
"I like the variety of the coffee house shows. You often get a great mix of instruments, genres, and experience so it keeps the show interesting. As far as why it helps with success, one of my missions as a music teacher is to build confidence. Though most students won't go on to be concert pianists, getting on stage in front of a live audience to perform under pressure is a very practical and important skill (how hard is public speaking after you've had experiencing playing an instrument from memory in front of strangers?) Also, having regular performance opportunities gives students something real to work towards, so they have to set goals and make weekly progress to be prepared." Faculty
MUSICFEST for Group Music Students:
This show is for Group Music Students to have a chance to perform on the "big stage" at the Frisco Performing Arts Center on our campus, and also for Private Music Students who may not have performed earlier in the year. This is an optional performance - if a student is not yet feeling comfortable about getting up in front of an audience they are not pressured (however they are certainly invited to attend the performance as an audience member). Music students at the Frisco School of Music perform solos and duets for family and friends in a friendly performance arena.
All ages and levels are included, and students are invited to share the music selections they have been learning in their weekly lessons. Many different musical styles and genres are represented; from standard teaching repertoire to contemporary, classical, jazz, rock, R&B, and more. Piano, guitar, bass, voice, violin, viola, voice, drums, clarinet, saxophone, and more.
Students/parents complete a Musicfest Registration Form ONLINE before the deadline, and perform a solo in a relaxed and friendly setting. NO EXTRA FEE IS CHARGED for this event. We generally have 5-6 showcases on a Saturday or Sunday, one-hour each with 20 or so students on each program. EVENT REGISTRATION REQUIRED
Students receive a Certificate of Achievement at their performance, and a good time is had by all.
ACHIEVEMENT GRADUATION is recommended for all private music students at our school. Students prepare a solo performance at their grade level, approved by their teacher, including technique, and several repertoire selections and a "Student Choice Piece". As you can see, much planning and preparation is involved over the school year to ensure that students have all material ready with a musical performance by the end of the year. Registration is done in the Fall and the performances are held in the Summer. ONLINE EVENT REGISTRATION REQUIRED
Students perform for a judge and are graded on a standard of musical excellence, receive a medal and certificate, and “graduate” to the next level of study. This is a very exciting and rewarding experience for our students, and helps to motivate them to attain the next level of musical proficiency. Family is invited to hear the Graduation. NO EXTRA FEE IS CHARGED for this event. Participation in Achievement Graduations is optional. All students at our school work on graded level materials during the year, but we realize that some students are not interested or available to devote additional time to prepare for a year-end Achievement Graduation Program.
There will be several Shows scheduled on performance days at the Frisco Performing Arts Center on our campus. Students are divided into one-hour groups by instrument category. There will be a mix of ages and levels represented at each performance, and sometimes different instruments being performed as well. Students may invite family and friends to attend, and stay for their entire one-hour graduation.
THEORY TEST: All music students at the Frisco School of Music and Performing Arts work on theory curriculum at their level, but we realize that some students are not available to devote additional time to prepare for and attend a special testing day. Sitting for the yearly Theory Test is optional, and is for music students who want to earn a medal for a score of 90 and above.
Interested music students complete a Theory Test Registration Form ONLINE before the deadline. There is a written and a listening section for each test level. NO EXTRA FEE IS CHARGED for this event.The Theory Test covers basic musical knowledge at levels 1-12. Concepts include level appropriate questions regarding note names, intervals, chords, rhythms, meters, patterns and scales, key signatures, harmonic progression, vocabulary, ear-training and more. EVENT REGISTRATION REQUIRED
All information on the test is covered in the weekly private music lessons and in the Theory Time Books. Students prepare by completing and reviewing all chapters in their level Theory Time Book, and by completing two practice tests during the semester. Students earn a ribbon for participating, and a medal for scoring 90-101.
MUSICAL THEATRE VARIETY SHOW: Three times a year the Frisco School of Music & Performing Arts hosts a Musical Theatre Variety Show. Our Musical Theatre students perform scenes and highlights from three chosen Broadway Musicals. An amazing art gallery of inspired learned techniques will be displayed after the show. This grand gala show is presented at the Frisco PAC on our campus, in the arts auditorium with professional lighting, sound, video and art gallery.
These Concerts are one of the many highlights of our School, and what keeps students coming back year after year.
NOTE: Students who miss two lessons/classes in a row directly before show event date will be removed from the performance schedule and may register for another school event if appropriate.
Practice Club & Student Rewards: All students can join our Practice Club. Students complete a Practice Club Card during the week with five practices and parent initials or a Sticker Card with 5 stickers from their teacher, and bring it to the front desk to receive their game token for the prize vending machine. The card is then entered into our Mega Practice Prize Drawing held twice a year for a chance to win a local area gift certificate (currently $30 Best Buy Card). So then, even if you think you are "too cool" to participate in the vending machine prizes, you will probably be up for a cool gift certificate - right?
Our lobby is filled with very proud students redeeming their tokens each week and getting their prizes. Lots of fun!
Students will receive an email on the date registration begins. Click the link and register.
Performance schedules will be posted in the school lobby AFTER the registration deadline.